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Clinical approach to cardiac murmurs


The practice of cardiac auscultation remains one of the most widely used diagnostic techniques in veterinary medicine. Technical considerations of cardiac auscultation and interpretation of heart sounds and murmurs are therefore of wide interest to the veterinary practitioner. Although it may not be possible to establish the diagnosis of a specific heart disease with the sole use of a stethoscope, or in combination with a phonocardiogram (PCG), optimal use can narrow down the list of differential diagnoses substantially. A gentle approach and a quiet environment are essential for the animal to relax and for the auscultator to be undisturbed. It is also essential to auscultate all cardiac areas to detect local murmurs and, in the case of a heart murmur, the point of maximum intensity (PMI).


There are a number of different types of stethoscope commercially available. Most of the better quality standard stethoscopes are adequate for use in veterinary practice, but paediatric stethoscopes are not recommended for most auscultation as a larger bell is often needed for optimal amplification. It is essential for the veterinary surgeon to become familiar with the stethoscope, and how normal and abnormal heart and lung sounds are perceived using this particular instrument. It is also important to obtain a stethoscope with earpieces that fit snugly. This helps to avoid discomfort during prolonged auscultation and to reduce the ‘leakage’ of sound around the earpieces. For most veterinary surgeons, it is useful to angle the earpieces to better fit the ear canal. Sound ‘leakage’ is one cause of problems in the auscultation of abnormally lowintensity heart sounds or failure to detect murmurs. It is useful to have a stethoscope with bells and diaphragms of different sizes. A small-sized bell can be used to localize the PMI of murmurs, especially in small dogs and cats. A larger diaphragm can be used to determine whether or not the patient has normal heart sounds. An open bell is sometimes useful to detect low-frequency sounds (such as an S3 sound) that may be inaudible using a diaphragm bell. Many standard stethoscopes have unnecessarily long tubing for use with small animals, and this may lead to dampening of sounds. Fortunately, tubes can always be shortened to an appropriate length of 36–46 cm (14–18 inches). A sensor-based (non-microphone) stethoscope is also available (Meditron™). This stethoscope can be connected to a computer to store and filter the sounds as PCGs with simultaneous electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The ability to record, filter and analyse digital PCGs offers substantial advantages.

 Origin of murmurs

Blood flow in normal vessels and the heart is usually laminar with minimal turbulence, and consequently does not result in a heart murmur. Heart murmurs all arise due to vibrations created within the cardiovascular system, which may originate from turbulent blood flow. However, not all animals with heart murmurs have heart disease, as some individuals with normal cardiovascular anatomy may have audible murmurs in early systole. These murmurs may be caused by high-velocity flow or low fluid viscosity (e.g. in severe anaemia). Murmurs in small animals that have a long duration in systole (more than 50%) are often caused by pathological conditions such as valvular regurgitation, shunting or obstruction of blood flow. Situations that can cause turbulent flow (and therefore murmurs) include increased flow velocity in a normal vessel (such as the aorta), or more commonly, obstruction to blood flow or valvular incompetence. Murmurs from shunts and valvular incompetence are created by the combination of high-velocity flow through a narrow orifice combined with flow entering a cardiac structure of increased diameter. Evaluation of the timing of murmurs is helpful in the interpretation of the significance of a murmur. A general rule is that holosystolic/diastolic murmurs are often significant, meaning that they indicate heart disease. Conversely, low-intensity early systolic murmurs tend to be associated with insignificant flow murmurs. Murmurs which have a duration of more than early systole are usually indicative of a cardiac abnormality. Systole is defined as the time period between the onset of S1 and the onset of S2. Diastole is defined as the time period between the onset of S2 and the onset of S1 (Figure 4.1). Systolic and diastolic murmurs can also be characterized as early, mid or late, depending on their location in systole or diastole. Holosystolic murmurs fill the whole systolic period, and holodiastolic murmurs fill all of the diastolic period.

Auscultation and the point of maximum intensity

General advice for cardiac auscultation
  • It is important to minimize background noise. If a quiet environment is impossible to achieve, an electronic stethoscope with the option to amplify heart sounds is useful. Clients often take the opportunity to talk when the veterinary surgeon is quiet; therefore, it is a good idea to explain the need for a quiet environment before auscultation and that only fragments of the information that a client is trying to impart will be heard.
  •  Small animals should preferably be in a standing position on all four limbs during cardiac auscultation. If the animal is sitting, the forelimbs will cover the different PMIs and the diaphragm of the animal will be positioned in a more cranial direction, compressing the thorax, which may leave the heart sounds less audible. If the animal is in right or left lateral recumbency, the heart will move towards the dependent side, leaving the heart sounds less distinct on the non-dependent side.
  • Dogs often pant, and auscultation should be carefully interpreted in these patients because panting generates disturbing sounds, and breathing sounds may be mistaken for murmurs. Warm examination rooms should be avoided and if the animal is panting, the client should be asked to manually close the mouth of the dog for brief periods of time. If this is not sufficient, manual occlusion of both the mouth and nostrils can allow a few seconds of undisturbed auscultation or PCG recording.
  •  Cats may purr, which often makes evaluation of heart sounds impossible. Blowing short bursts of expired air into the face of the cat or exposing the animal to visual stimuli, such as another animal, can be tried to stop the purring. Short occlusion of one or both nostrils can also be attempted or holding an alcohol-soaked cotton-wool ball near the cat’s nose. Holding the cat near a sink with running water often works
All valve areas (and the sternum in cats) should be auscultated in order to detect local murmurs (Figure 4.2). One approach to performing this is to move the left leg of the animal forward so that the third intercostal space (pulmonic valve) is accessible. Some murmurs associated with common congenital malformations (such as patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and pulmonic stenosis) have maximum intensity over this area. The bell is then moved to the fourth and fifth intercostal spaces on the left side, just below the level of the point of the shoulder. The aortic area is located at this site. The examination is continued by auscultation a little lower at the level of the costochondral junctions at the fifth intercostal space, and thereafter proceeds to the sixth and seventh intercostal spaces over the apex of the heart until the intensity of the heart sounds decreases. The stethoscope is then placed on the right side of the thorax and moved forward and backwards over the third to fifth intercostal spaces at the level of the costochondral junctions, which is approximately midway between the point of the shoulder and olecranon in standing animals. Auscultation of the tricuspid area may detect murmurs originating from the right side of the heart (such as ventricular septal defects, VSDs) or leftsided heart murmurs that are radiating over to the right side of the thorax (so called ‘referred murmurs’). If abnormal sounds are detected, the PMI can be located by counting the intercostal spaces. Important diagnostic information can be obtained by localization of the PMI because this may serve as a guide to the origin of the murmur. For example, a physiological flow murmur always has a PMI over the outflow tracts (aortic and pulmonic areas). If a murmur has a PMI over the apex of the heart (mitral area), heart disease may be suspected. In cats and small dogs, identification of the PMI may require a stethoscope that can be changed to a smaller bell or the use of a paediatric stethoscope. Distinction between the pulmonic and the aortic areas may be difficult, but it is usually not difficult to establish whether the PMI is over the base (pulmonic or aortic area – outflow tracts) or the apex (mitral area – left ventricle, LV) of the heart. Details on the presence and direction of murmur radiation will add further information to support a specific diagnosis. Detection of S3, S4 or gallops in dogs may require auscultation with an open bell or sensor­based (digital) stethoscope, but almost all other abnormal heart sounds in cats and dogs can be detected with diaphragm

Grading of murmurs

 Murmurs are graded on a scale of 1 to 6.

Low-intensity murmurs 
• Grade 1 – a low-intensity murmur heard in a quiet environment only after careful auscultation over a localized cardiac area. 
• Grade 2 – a low-intensity murmur heard immediately when the stethoscope is placed over the PMI. Moderate-intensity murmurs 
• Grade 3 – a murmur of moderate intensity.
 • Grade 4 – a high-intensity murmur that can be auscultated over several areas without any palpable precordial thrill. 
High-intensity murmurs 
• Grade 5 – a high-intensity murmur with a palpable precordial thrill. 
• Grade 6 – a high­intensity murmur with a palpable precordial thrill that may even be heard when the stethoscope is slightly lifted off the chest wall.

Grading of murmurs may serve as a guide to roughly estimate the severity of heart disease for some conditions, such as aortic/pulmonic stenosis and mitral regurgitation, but is less reliable in other conditions, such as myocardial disease. High­intensity murmurs often, but not always, indicate more severe forms of heart disease. Exceptions include small VSDs, which can generate very loud murmurs. Rarely, degenerative mitral valve disease may generate very strong vibrations of the valvular apparatus, causing musical murmurs despite comparatively modest mitral regurgitation. Other exceptions are low­intensity murmurs that may be present in cases of myocardial failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), end­stage degenerative mitral valve disease with multiple small infarcts, and myocardial disease in cats.

Differential diagnoses for different cardiac murmurs

The general guidelines for the most common differential diagnoses based on the intensity and PMI of murmurs are presented in Figure 4.3.

Heart disease without murmurs  

Fortunately, the majority of canine cardiac patients have a murmur. However, some conditions are not associated with heart murmurs. In a few of these cases, altered heart sounds may be present (e.g. gallop sounds), especially in advanced cases of heart disease. Examples of heart disease without murmurs include: pericardial effusions; DCM; atrial septal defects (ASDs, murmurs originating from a relative pulmonic stenosis and which may be the result of larger shunts, especially after exercise); and right­toleft shunting with VSDs or PDA with pulmonary hypertension. Cats with myocardial disease may have no murmur at all.

Physiological flow murmurs in systole 

Physiological flow murmurs are low­intensity, soft murmurs caused by turbulent flow in the aorta or pulmonary artery during early systole (Figure 4.4). The PMI is over the outflow tracts (aortic/pulmonic area). These murmurs do not indicate any underlying cardiac disorder that may be identified by thoracic radiography, echocardiography or post­mortem findings. A large stroke volume in relation to the size of the outflow vessels of a normal heart may cause turbulent flow and murmurs in young animals. These murmurs can disappear within a few weeks, more commonly within 4 to 5 months, or sometimes later during adolescence. In some individuals (especially athletes) these murmurs may remain in the adult animal.
These murmurs are usually of low intensity (grade 1–2) and comprise high-frequency sounds, sometimes with medium-frequency sounds. They are early systolic murmurs, meaning that they end before the middle of systole and are usually of a decrescendo, but sometimes of a crescendo–decrescendo, character.

 Differential diagnosis

 • Athletic heart. 
• Severe anaemia. 
• Low-grade aortic or pulmonic stenosis. 
• Fever. 
• Hyperthyroidism. 
• Any condition leading to increased cardiac output (e.g. pregnancy). 
• Low-grade mitral regurgitation is sometimes associated with early to mid-systolic murmurs. PMI is over the mitral area in these dogs, in contrast to physiological flow murmurs where the PMI is over the aortic area.

Outflow tract stenosis in dogs

 Pulmonic stenosis and aortic stenosis are two of the most common congenital malformations in dogs. Pulmonic stenosis is more common in small-breed dogs and aortic stenosis in large-breed dogs. These lesions are characterized by obstruction of the subvalvular, valvular or supravalvular area, causing turbulent blood flow. In contrast with aortic stenosis, the valvular form with fused cusps is more common in pulmonic stenosis. Supravalvular stenosis is less common. Acquired aortic stenosis may develop in association with bacterial endocarditis. Differentiation between aortic stenosis and pulmonic stenosis is best performed with echocardiography. The PMI is the pulmonic or aortic area at the left side of thorax (see Figure 4.3). Cases of low-grade stenosis often have a lowintensity murmur (grade 2–3). Cases of moderate stenosis often have a moderate-intensity murmur (grade 3–4). Cases with a severe degree of stenosis usually have a high-intensity murmur (grade 4–6). The murmurs are often of a crescendo–decrescendo character and occupy from 50–100% of the systole, with longer durations for severe obstructions.

Outflow tract obstruction murmurs in cats

 Congenital pulmonic and aortic stenoses occur in cats but are much less common than in dogs. The most common cause of outflow tract obstruction murmurs in cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The PMI may be on either side of the thorax, or even sternal. Ejection murmurs can develop in cats with HCM if hypertrophy obstructs blood flow through the aortic or pulmonic outflow tracts (Figure 4.5). Dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction is often caused by septal hypertrophy and systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve; dynamic right ventricular outflow tract obstruction may occur in cats with HCM or normal cats. Concurrent mitral regurgitation may complicate accurate identification of outflow tract murmurs

.Hyperthyroidism or renal disease with hypertension may cause secondary cardiac hypertrophy accompanied by obstruction to blood flow, creating low-intensity murmurs. Cats with more than two heart sounds (i.e. gallop rhythms) should always be examined with echocardiography as the majority of cases will have myocardial disease. 

Tetralogy of Fallot 

The audible murmur from tetralogy of Fallot is usually caused by pulmonic stenosis, which is associated with this complicated and uncommon congenital heart disease. The polycythaemia that accompanies tetralogy of Fallot causes hyperviscosity, which tends to reduce the murmur intensity.

Patent ductus arteriosus 

PDA occurs when the fetal ductus between the aorta and the pulmonary artery fails to close post partum. The ductus can close to different degrees, and consequently the shunting of blood can range from insignificant to very severe. The pressure in the aorta is normally higher than the pressure in the pulmonary artery, during both systole and diastole. Therefore, blood is shunted through the ductus during the entire cardiac cycle, causing a continuous murmur (Figure 4.6). In some cases, pulmonary hypertension may develop, leading to reduced or even reversed shunting during diastole and, if severe, in systole as well. PDA is associated with a continuous heart murmur (see Figure 4.3) with maximum intensity timed to the peak pressure gradient between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which is at the end of systole. The intensity of the murmur decreases during diastole, as the pressure gradient decreases. The intensity and radiation of the murmur also varies with the size of the ductus. Small shunts have local low-intensity murmurs; moderate shunts often have murmurs of moderate
intensity with some radiation; and severe shunts are associated with intense murmurs that radiate widely. If pulmonary hypertension develops, the murmur can become systolic only and may even disappear as pulmonary hypertension increases and polycythaemia develops. Depending on the size and degree of shunting, exercise intolerance and left-sided heart failure may occur if surgical correction is not attempted.

Murmurs with the PMI at the apex of the heart

Differential diagnosis 
• Mitral regurgitation.
  – Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD).
  – Congenital mitral dysplasia.
  – DCM. – Endocarditis affecting the mitral valve
 . – Other causes of mitral regurgitation.
 • (VSDs or tricuspid regurgitation may radiate to the left side of the thorax but the PMI is usually at the tricuspid area.)
MMVD is the most common cardiovascular lesion causing murmurs in middle-aged or older small-breed dogs. Progressive pathological changes of the atrioventricular (AV) valves will, at some point, cause the valves to become incompetent (Figure 4.7). Initially, mitral regurgitation may cause intermittent, soft murmurs. Over time, the murmur becomes holosystolic and persistent (Figure 4.8), with increasing intensity as the severity of the mitral regurgitation progresses. The holosystolic ‘plateau’ shape of the murmur can be explained by a similar degree of regurgitation throughout systole. The low-intensity of the murmur indicates that only a small proportion of the stroke volume is regurgitated during the early stages of the disease (see Figure 4.3). As the disease progresses, forward stroke volume is reduced as the regurgitant fraction increases. However, this is counteracted by eccentric   hypertrophy and increased ventricular filling, leading to increased force of contraction according to the Frank-Starling mechanism (see Chapter 15). Eccentric hypertrophy in combination with hyperkinesis maintains cardiac output despite an increasing degree of mitral regurgitation, and the intensity of the murmur and first heart sound increases. With further increase in the severity of the disease, the second heart sound decreases in intensity as forward stroke volume is reduced (see Figure 4.3). Congenital dysplasia of the AV valves can also cause different degrees of mitral regurgitation. Many dogs with DCM have no murmurs, but dilatation of the mitral valve annulus and papillary muscle dysfunction may cause mitral regurgitation with a systolic murmur over the apex of the heart (mitral area). An audible diastolic gallop (usually S3) may also be present. In cases of DCM, heart sounds and murmurs are often of a lower intensity than in animals with MMVD. This is because reduced myocardial contractility prevents the heart from generating forceful mitral regurgitation jets and strong vibrations.

Murmurs with the PMI on the right side of thorax

Differential diagnosis 
• Tricuspid regurgitation caused by dysplasia, degeneration or pulmonary hypertension. 
• Aortic stenosis.
Ventricular septal defect 
Although VSDs may occasionally be located in the muscular portion of the septum, most commonly they are found in the upper (perimembranous) portion of the septum, just below the aortic valve. VSDs may cause shunting of blood during systole from the LV to the right ventricle (RV) because the systolic pressure within the LV is normally considerably higher than in the RV (Figure 4.9). The PMI is usually over the cranioventral right hemithorax, but the murmur may radiate to the left side of the thorax. Animals with a VSD usually have a holosystolic murmur of low- or moderate-intensity (see Figure 4.3). The intensity of the murmur cannot be used to estimate the size or the degree of shunting, as pulmonary hypertension may reduce shunting in severe cases
Tricuspid regurgitation 
Acquired or congenital lesions of the tricuspid valve or right ventricular dilatation can cause valve insufficiency during all or part of systole (Figure 4.10). Dogs with tricuspid regurgitation commonly have holosystolic murmurs, usually of low- to moderate

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